‘Spect Delays

Construction sign that reads 'SPECT DELAYS'

March 5, 2023

The past month or so has not been conducive to going on adventures. We’ve both been dealing with the three Ws again: Work, Weather, and Wellness. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have some time to get out and explore. The fifth anniversary of Patrick’s death is almost upon us. I think it would be appropriate to get out for a little while and see something “epic and beautiful,” as Patrick would have said.

We had to run an errand in town today, so when we were finished, we stopped off at Sonic for drinks and a bite to eat. From there we decided to take a quick drive through some familiar roads in the Sam Houston National Forest to look for flowers. Unlike last year, the bluebonnets and other wildflowers have come out early.

We saw a few flowering trees, including a couple of dogwoods, but the flowers are not out in force, yet. Maybe they will be more prolific during Spring Break.

So, in the meantime, we appreciate your patience. Please “spect” delays from time-to-time.

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