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A Lego astronaut figure standing on a rock that looks like the surface of the Moon.

July 18, 2023

Texas Dirt Road Adventures and its sister sites, TheGlasgowFamily.org and Eastex Astronomy, have moved to a new host!

What does this mean for you, Dear Reader? Probably nothing. But, if you are subscribed to TDRA and received an email, then that means the migration to the new server was a success!

The direct link to TDRA is now:


The old web address no longer works.

Years of experience as a computer programmer has taught me that nothing is ever simple, though. There may be a few glitches here-and-there. I will deal with them as they arise. If you happen to find a broken link or an image that does not load properly (even if you can see it and click on it), then please let me know!

A Lego astronaut figure standing on a rock that looks like the surface of the Moon.
This is one of Patrick’s Lego figures standing on a rock that looks like the surface of the Moon. The rock is from the Lindsay Ranch.

P.S. – The Huntsville Amateur Astronomy Society web page has moved to the new host, too!

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