May 5, 2024 With the flooding that is going on in Southeast Texas right now, I think it is a good idea to take a moment and think back to happier times when the weather was fairer. Please enjoy the images of flowers, below, that we took recently on various adventures. The first set of… Continue reading More Wildflowers
Author: Rory Glasgow
2024 Wildflower Tour
March 30, 2024 Kristi and I try to dedicate at least one trip every Spring to see the wildflowers. Washington County is one of the best places nearby to see them. Our favorite area to explore is between Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park and Chappell Hill, Texas, especially along Meyersville Road and the surrounding dirt roads. I’ve… Continue reading 2024 Wildflower Tour
Exploring the Wildwood
March 10, 2024 After our unexpected discovery of the little Methodist church on Old Huntsville Road south of Crockett, Texas, we decided to go back and explore the two county roads that run on either side of the church. I had initially intended to do something a little different on this adventure and post a… Continue reading Exploring the Wildwood
The Church in the Wildwood
February 24, 2024 It takes a good deal of work to create these posts. The majority of my time is spent in preparing, describing, and labeling the images. Unless you are using screen reader software, which will read the alternate descriptions of each image, you are likely unaware of the extra, hidden content. And then… Continue reading The Church in the Wildwood
Last Adventure of 2023
December 31, 2023 We had intended to explore a route through part of the Davy Crockett National Forest today, but I didn’t want to have to drive that far for what would turn out to be a fairly short loop through the woods. So, we instead opted to drive some of our favorite roads in… Continue reading Last Adventure of 2023
Metal Menagerie
Sometimes during our explorations, Kristi and I will run across some form of giant metal artwork on display. Many of these make sense in their context: a statue of a famous person, the mascot of a business, or art on display in an outdoor gallery. But every now and then we’ll find something that someone… Continue reading Metal Menagerie
A Quick Trip
December 16, 2023 There comes a time when persons must make a quick trip to purchase expensive, delicious, candied pecans from their favorite purveyor of expensive, delicious, candied pecans. Today was such a day. Route: A Quick Trip After purchasing said expensive, delicious, candied pecans, we drove back home via the scenic route (of which… Continue reading A Quick Trip
Searching for Bigfoot
December 9, 2023 The Universe is a mysterious place. Even in this technologically advanced age, there are still a lot of things that we do not know or understand. For example, is there intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe? What is the nature of consciousness and how does it work? Also, where did my mother’s… Continue reading Searching for Bigfoot
Pecans, Tractors, and Dark Magic
October 19, 2023 We had a very special visitor in the middle of October! My favorite brother, Jimmy, came all the way from Maryland to spend a few days with us and to see some of the sights of East Texas. I asked him where he wanted to go, and he said that he wanted… Continue reading Pecans, Tractors, and Dark Magic
Site Troubles
I have a couple of posts that I want to write but have not had the time or energy to dedicate to them. On top of that, all of the sites have been periodically going offline since the middle of October. I have contacted Bluehost technical support several times and, each time, have been… Continue reading Site Troubles