January 29, 2022 Sometimes an adventure doesn’t work out as planned. This can be either good or bad, depending on whether we find something else interesting along the way. Today’s adventure did not work out as hoped for, but there was at least a small consolation prize in the alternative plan. Before I get into… Continue reading Roads to Nowhere
Author: Rory Glasgow
Around the Lake
January 23, 2022 The Spaceship Car is still not back from the shop. They are waiting on one critical part for which shipment has been repeatedly delayed. Hopefully they will be finished soon, but we are not holding our breath. This weekend had been busy, but we thought it might be good to get out… Continue reading Around the Lake
Retracing Our Steps
January 17, 2022 Rumor has it that the Spaceship Car might be coming home this week! Kristi and I have been pacing the house and wanting to get out and explore again, so we decided that today was safe enough to make the attempt. (Don’t worry, nothing bad happened!) In a previous post I mentioned… Continue reading Retracing Our Steps
More Courthouses
We’re still waiting on repairs to the Spaceship Car. The length of time it is taking is not a surprise given the current state of supply chains around the country, but it is frustrating, nonetheless. Out of a sense of caution we are avoiding going on our normal adventures until we have a backup vehicle… Continue reading More Courthouses
Shifting Sand
December 20, 2021 Matagorda Beach is “our” beach. Of the few we have visited it is the one on which we are most comfortable. It is not a touristy beach like those found on Galveston Island, nor is it a resort beach where one might find stereotypical sunbathers crowded together under their rented umbrellas sipping… Continue reading Shifting Sand
Lindsay Ranch
One of our most favorite people, Deloris Lindsay, runs the Lindsay Ranch Guesthouses, located outside of Mason, Texas. Mrs. Lindsay and her late husband, Alva Clay Lindsay, have ancestors whose presence stretches far back into Texas history. The Lindsay Ranch was established in 1858 and has been in the family ever since. Today, it is… Continue reading Lindsay Ranch
Newman’s Castle
July 8, 2017 Did you know that there is a real-life castle in Texas? Mike Newman was inspired by the castles of Europe that he visited in his 20s and dreamed of having one of his own. In 1998 he set himself to the task of making that dream come true! Newman’s Castle is located… Continue reading Newman’s Castle
The Big Picture(s)
December 12, 2021 Good news! After much searching, I finally found a WordPress gallery plugin that I like. You can now see larger versions of the images! Below is a sample image of a sunset taken at Matagorda Beach. Click the image to see the larger version. The images for all of the posts to… Continue reading The Big Picture(s)
Oh, Deer!
December 7, 2021 We are OK. Our Honda CR-V, the Spaceship Car, is not. Before I go any further, I feel the need to get a few facts out of the way. First, I do not like hunting. I have nothing against it–I just take Ron White’s attitude toward it: “It’s dark, it’s cold, and… Continue reading Oh, Deer!
The Bridge Was Out!
November 28, 2021 Today we took that route that we intended to take when we made our unplanned drive on Chalk Cemetery Road. Well, sort of… The journey began on Bo Brown Road (aka, Brown Road) off of FM 230 in Kittrell’s Cut-Off. The road starts off paved for a short distance, then turns to… Continue reading The Bridge Was Out!