Metal Menagerie II

We keep finding interesting statues and yard art in our travels. Rather than expand on the original Metal Menagerie post, I hope to make this a series. So, here is the second installment! The KML file has been updated with the new locations. Download it and import it into your favorite mapping software. Metal Menagerie… Continue reading Metal Menagerie II

Metal Menagerie

Sometimes during our explorations, Kristi and I will run across some form of giant metal artwork on display. Many of these make sense in their context: a statue of a famous person, the mascot of a business, or art on display in an outdoor gallery. But every now and then we’ll find something that someone… Continue reading Metal Menagerie

Site Troubles

I have a couple of posts that I want to write but have not had the time or energy to dedicate to them. On top of that, all of the sites have been periodically going offline since the middle of October. I have contacted Bluehost technical support several times and, each time, have been… Continue reading Site Troubles

We’re Back!

July 18, 2023 Texas Dirt Road Adventures and its sister sites, and Eastex Astronomy, have moved to a new host! What does this mean for you, Dear Reader? Probably nothing. But, if you are subscribed to TDRA and received an email, then that means the migration to the new server was a success! The… Continue reading We’re Back!

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Reply Problem Fixed

June 10, 2023 I found out today that the hosting site for this blog and Eastex Astronomy has been blocking replies to posts. This issue has been resolved.

‘Spect Delays

March 5, 2023 The past month or so has not been conducive to going on adventures. We’ve both been dealing with the three Ws again: Work, Weather, and Wellness. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have some time to get out and explore. The fifth anniversary of Patrick’s death is almost upon… Continue reading ‘Spect Delays

Signs of Our Times

January 28, 2023 The weather has been rather cold and dreary in our part of Texas recently. Thankfully, we have not had to suffer through the ice storm that has frozen the northwestern half of the state. But it is cold, and wet, and gray, and I just love it. Well, up to a point…… Continue reading Signs of Our Times

Where did we go?

May 8, 2022 Those of you who follow this blog have probably noted a lack of new content recently. We’ve not stopped adventurin’–we’re just in a bit of a slump at the moment. I blame this primarily on the three Ws: Work, Weather, and Wellness. I’ve had one route planned out for the past few… Continue reading Where did we go?

Four Years

March 14, 2022 Today marks four years since the wreck when we lost our younger son, Patrick. For some reason this year has been more difficult than the past couple. I think that is in large part due to the fact that we have less to distract us from our thoughts. We try to stay… Continue reading Four Years

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