Machete Man Adventure

June 19, 2021 Today’s adventure was full of surprises. First, I had no idea where to go, so was sort of winging it. I saw a road on Google Maps that looked interesting and decided that we should follow it. Kristi didn’t object, and fully consented to ride along. I take no responsibility for what… Continue reading Machete Man Adventure

Texas Wildflowers

Every Spring, we like to head out toward Washington-on-the-Brazos and look at the wildflowers. This region, which includes the cities of Navasota, Brenham, La Grange, and Chappell Hill are ideal for spotting large fields of bluebonnets (the State Flower of Texas), Indian paintbrushes, wine cups, clover, buttercups, and many other types of wildflowers. It’s a… Continue reading Texas Wildflowers