Some of our adventures are documented in Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files. KML files contain map data that can be displayed in various mapping programs, such as Google Earth.
This document describes how to download a KML file to your computer and then display it in Google Earth.
- Click on the link to the KML file, as indicated in the article. This will place a copy of the file in your Downloads folder.
- Open a browser tab and navigate to
- Log in with your Google account, if prompted.
- Click on the File menu.
- Select Import KML / KMZ File. The “Open” dialog will appear.
- Navigate to your Downloads folder, select the KML file (e.g., “Metal Menagerie.kml”), and then click the Open button.
The KML data will appear on the map. The name of the KML file will appear in the “Local KML Files” list to the left of the map.
Most KML files will have pinned locations on the map. Click on the KML file name in the list on the left to display the list of pins, and then click on a pin in either the list or on the map to display details about that location.
Some locations have images associated with them, and some of those images can be clicked on to display larger versions in a separate browser tab.