Freedom Colonies

Pasture on County Road 2225

June 25, 2023 I have had a great deal of difficulty finding information on the places we have visited in the last few adventures. Though I would love to do thorough research in libraries and at local historical commissions, etc., I simply do not have the time and energy. The Web and our small personal… Continue reading Freedom Colonies

Reply Problem Fixed

June 10, 2023 I found out today that the hosting site for this blog and Eastex Astronomy has been blocking replies to posts. This issue has been resolved.

Hall’s Bluff and Wheeler Springs

May 20 and May 27, 2023 This trip was in two parts. I had originally mapped out two separate routes, meant to be explored over two separate days. But, after completing the first route we decided to go back and explore it a little more in-depth, and then end the day’s adventure by following the… Continue reading Hall’s Bluff and Wheeler Springs

Around (the Other Side of) the Lake

April 15, 2023 A lot of our adventures are unplanned and undocumented. Today’s drive was unplanned, and almost undocumented. It started, like so many, at our favorite Sonic restaurant. We were in the Spaceship Car and Kristi was driving when she decided that she wanted to “see some water.” So, we drove out to Lake… Continue reading Around (the Other Side of) the Lake

Manning-Brimberry Cemetery

Brimberry Cemetery Road

March 19, 2023 Kristi and I made a short trip to visit the gravesite of an American Revolutionary soldier. Mark Manning is one of two veterans of the American Revolution who are buried in Walker County. (The other is James Tinsley, whose precise gravesite has sadly been lost.) Manning was born in North Carolina in… Continue reading Manning-Brimberry Cemetery

Epic and Beautiful

Indian paintbrushes

March 13, 2023 The day before this post was published was March 14, 2023. It marked five years since Patrick Shane Glasgow was killed in front of the entrance to the Franklin Drive Thru Safari near Franklin, Texas. While many tongue-in-cheek “celebrate” Pi Day, Kristi and I mourn it as the anniversary of the worst… Continue reading Epic and Beautiful

‘Spect Delays

March 5, 2023 The past month or so has not been conducive to going on adventures. We’ve both been dealing with the three Ws again: Work, Weather, and Wellness. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have some time to get out and explore. The fifth anniversary of Patrick’s death is almost upon… Continue reading ‘Spect Delays

Signs of Our Times

January 28, 2023 The weather has been rather cold and dreary in our part of Texas recently. Thankfully, we have not had to suffer through the ice storm that has frozen the northwestern half of the state. But it is cold, and wet, and gray, and I just love it. Well, up to a point…… Continue reading Signs of Our Times

Connecting Dots in Grimes County

Pasture on CR 217

January 7, 2023 My site was recently hacked, and my account was temporarily taken offline by the host until some issues could be resolved. Everything is back online now, and security has been enhanced. The forecast originally showed rain all day, but by morning that had been pushed back until late evening, so Kristi and… Continue reading Connecting Dots in Grimes County