June 11, 2022 We had planned on going to the beach today. The truck was packed, and we were sitting in the driveway, ready to go. But sometimes things don’t work out as planned. The beach report we follow described conditions as being difficult, even for 4×4 vehicles. There were an above-average number of visitors,… Continue reading Midway Loop
Rivers, Roadrunners, and Solar Panels! Oh my!
May 14, 2022 Today’s drive took us through some parts of Grimes County that were new to us. Grimes County is located within the Gulf Coastal Plains along the transition between the East Texas Piney Woods and the hardwood forests and prairies of Central Texas. The county is sparsely populated, with wide-open areas of pasture… Continue reading Rivers, Roadrunners, and Solar Panels! Oh my!
Where did we go?
May 8, 2022 Those of you who follow this blog have probably noted a lack of new content recently. We’ve not stopped adventurin’–we’re just in a bit of a slump at the moment. I blame this primarily on the three Ws: Work, Weather, and Wellness. I’ve had one route planned out for the past few… Continue reading Where did we go?
Greenbriar Road
March 14, 2022 This post is out of sequence. I didn’t feel like documenting this trip at the time, as it was the anniversary of Patrick’s death and we had just visited his grave. As a result, I didn’t take a lot of notes. As I mentioned in a previous post, Kristi and I didn’t… Continue reading Greenbriar Road
Bluebonnet Season
April 3, 2022 We’ve been looking forward to the bluebonnets making their appearance this year. For whatever reason, though, they are a bit later than usual. They still are not in “full swing,” but it was time to make our regular trip to Washington County to see the show! Along the way to Washington County,… Continue reading Bluebonnet Season
Forest Road 219
March 20, 2022 We decided to go out for a late-lunch/early-dinner on Sunday afternoon but couldn’t decide where to go. So, instead we decided to get drinks at Sonic and ride around until inspiration struck us. Kristi suggested driving down a forest service road that I had mentioned a while back, so we headed out… Continue reading Forest Road 219
Four Years
March 14, 2022 Today marks four years since the wreck when we lost our younger son, Patrick. For some reason this year has been more difficult than the past couple. I think that is in large part due to the fact that we have less to distract us from our thoughts. We try to stay… Continue reading Four Years
Creeks and Ghost Towns
March 5, 2022 Today, Kristi and I once again visited some familiar roads, but also explored a few areas we have never been through before. We stopped at a few ghost towns along the way. Well, to call them “ghost towns” is debatable. They were more like communities than towns. The fact is that at… Continue reading Creeks and Ghost Towns
Houston, the Eagle Has Landed!
February 25, 2022 The Spaceship Car is back! After waiting over two and a half months for a single part following an unfortunate encounter with a deer, our Honda CR-V is finally home! It has been delivered back to us and is happily sitting in the garage. There’s one problem that I didn’t notice until… Continue reading Houston, the Eagle Has Landed!
Bishop Road
February 6, 2022 Today we took a quick trip along a road that is very familiar to us. Bishop Road runs between FM 1696 and TX-75 in northwestern Walker County. Kristi grew up in this area. We used to explore this and other nearby roads together back in our younger days. Not a whole lot… Continue reading Bishop Road